1   package com.sourceforge.jpatterns.utils.junit;
3   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants;
4   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesBasedFactory;
5   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesManagerImpl;
6   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.JPatternsConfig;
7   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.utils.CastorUtils;
8   import com.zmicer.utils.InputArgumentUtils;
9   import com.zmicer.utils.junit.SystemPropsUtils;
10  import com.zmicer.utils.junit.ZmicerTestUtils;
11  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
13  import java.io.File;
15  /**
16   * This class stores the common functionality for organizing the JPatterns framework test environment.
17   * <p/>
18   * $Author:: zmicer             $<br/>
19   * $Rev:: 67                    $<br/> * $Date:: 2007-08-28 21:37:07 #$<br/>
20   */
21  public class JPatternsTestUtils
22  {
23      /**
24       * Logger instance.
25       */
26      final public static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JPatternsTestUtils.class);
28      /**
29       *  reload the instances of property related classes depends on changed before settings 
30       */
31      protected static void reloadPropertiesManager()
32      {
33          PropertiesBasedFactory propsFactory;
34          propsFactory = PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance();
35          PropertiesManagerImpl propManagerImpl;
36          propManagerImpl = (PropertiesManagerImpl)propsFactory.getPropertiesManager();
37          propManagerImpl.initConfigs();
38          PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance().cleanImplementations();
39      }
41      /**
42       * Get the <code>JPatternsConfig</code> using the test case folder name and jpatterns config file name.
43       * <br/>
44       * note [zmicer]: see {@link com.zmicer.utils.junit.ZmicerTestUtils#getFolderWithTestData()}
45       *
46       * @param classBaseName           JPatterns test case folder name - it defines the folder at the test data root folder where the
47       *                                required xml is stored.
48       *                                Can be null - in this case we would check the root folder itself.
49       * @param jPatternsConfigFileName JPatterns required config file name
50       *                                Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
51       *
52       * @return the castor object - JPatterns
53       */
54      public static JPatternsConfig getConfig(final String classBaseName, final String jPatternsConfigFileName)
55      {
56          InputArgumentUtils.checkStrings(true, jPatternsConfigFileName);
57          String fullFilePath = ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(classBaseName, jPatternsConfigFileName);
58          File file = new File(fullFilePath);
59          if (!file.isFile())
60          {
61              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid data is passed: the following path doesn't define file [" + fullFilePath + "]");
62          }
63          return CastorUtils.getJPatternsConfig(file);
64      }
66      /**
67       * Get config using the provided Class instance (it is necessary for the obraining test case folder name) and the name of the file. In
68       * the case of there is not file with the provided data - the IllegalArgumentException would appear.
69       *
70       * @param claz                    Class instance using which we would obtain the test case folder name
71       * @param testCase                test case name, could be null. In that case the file is obtained from the root test data folder
72       *                                for this class
73       * @param jPatternsConfigFileName the name of the JPatterns config file
74       *
75       * @return the obtained JPatternsConfig castor config
76       */
77      public static JPatternsConfig getConfig(final Class claz, final String testCase, final String jPatternsConfigFileName)
78      {
79          InputArgumentUtils.checkObjects(claz, jPatternsConfigFileName);
80          String fullFilePath = ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(claz, false, testCase, jPatternsConfigFileName, true);
81          File file = new File(fullFilePath);
82          if (!file.isFile())
83          {
84              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid data is passed: the following path doesn't define file [" + fullFilePath + "]");
85          }
86          return CastorUtils.getJPatternsConfig(file);
87      }
89      /**
90       * Set the JVM parameters defining the properties files to be used (the full names to the properties files would be set -
91       * please study {@link com.zmicer.utils.ResourceUtils#getResourceBundle(java.lang.String)},
92       * {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesManagerImpl#initConfigs())}
93       * <br/>
94       * Pleaes be noticed in the case the default property file specified is not exist the JPInitializationException would appear.
95       * It is allowable for the custom properties not to be at the pointed folder.
96       * <br/>
97       * Be noticed we do not check if the provided folder - class exists - just because user may set the params incorrectly to turn of smth
98       *
99       * @param claz               the class object for which we would set the properties - it would be used for the obtaining folder with the test
100      *                           data for the concrete class. Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
101      * @param considerMethodName if this is true then we should have the special folder which name is "method_%running method name%",
102      *                           and only then put there the folder with test case. It could be null
103      * @param testCase           the test case - defines the folder inside the root folder with the test data for the certain class.
104      *                           Could be null - in this case the properties files would be found at the root test data folder for the certain
105      *                           class.
106      * @param defaultProps       default JPatterns properties file name. Could be null - in this case we would find for the
107      *                           {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME}
108      * @param customProps        custom JPatterns properties file name. Could be null - in this case we would find for the
109      *                           {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME}
110      * @param reloadFactories    if this is <code>true</code> we reload PropertiesBasedFactory implementations and PropertiesManager too.
111      */
112     public static void setJVMPropsParams(final Class claz, boolean considerMethodName, final String testCase, final String defaultProps,
113         final String customProps, boolean reloadFactories)
114     {
115         InputArgumentUtils.checkObjects(claz);
116         final String actualDefaultBaseName =
117             ((null == defaultProps) ? JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME : defaultProps) +
118                 JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION;
119         final String actualCustomBaseName =
120             ((null == customProps) ? JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME : customProps) +
121                 JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION;
122         final String fullDefaultName = ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(claz, considerMethodName, testCase, actualDefaultBaseName,
123             false);
124         System.setProperty(JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM, fullDefaultName);
126         try
127         {
128             final String fullCustomName = ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(claz, considerMethodName, testCase, actualCustomBaseName,
129                 false);
130             System.setProperty(JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM, fullCustomName);
131         }
132         catch (Exception ex)
133         {
134             // just catch - it is allowable for the custom properties not to be at the pointed directory.
135         }
136         if (reloadFactories)
137         {
138             reloadPropertiesManager();
139         }
140     }
142     /**
143      * Analog of the method below still allows to set the parameters not depending in the class - just on the name of folder in the
144      * "testdata" folder - it is our test case. Please study testdata\00_common_props_for_tests - it is an example of this approach
145      *
146      * @param testCase        the test case - defines the folder inside the root folder with the test data for the certain class.
147      *                        Could be null - in this case the properties files would be found at the root test data folder for the certain
148      *                        class.
149      * @param defaultProps    default JPatterns properties file name. Could be null - in this case we would find for the
150      *                        {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME}
151      * @param customProps     custom JPatterns properties file name. Could be null - in this case we would find for the
152      *                        {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME}
153      * @param reloadFactories if this is <code>true</code> we reload PropertiesBasedFactory implementations and PropertiesManager too.
154      */
155     public static void setJVMPropsParams(final String testCase, final String defaultProps,
156         final String customProps, boolean reloadFactories)
157     {
158         final String actualDefaultBaseName =
159             ((null == defaultProps) ? JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME : defaultProps) +
160                 JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION;
161         final String actualCustomBaseName =
162             ((null == customProps) ? JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME : customProps) +
163                 JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION;
164         final String fullDefaultName = ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(testCase, actualDefaultBaseName);
165         System.setProperty(JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM, fullDefaultName);
167         try
168         {
169             final String fullCustomName = ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(testCase, actualCustomBaseName);
170             System.setProperty(JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM, fullCustomName);
171         }
172         catch (Exception ex)
173         {
174             // just catch - it is allowable for the custom properties not to be at the pointed directory.
175         }
176         if (reloadFactories)
177         {
178             reloadPropertiesManager();
179         }
180     }
182     /**
183      * See the method {@link JPatternsTestUtils#setJVMPropsParams(Class,boolean,String,String,String,boolean)}.
184      * The only difference is this method allows to set the default property separately
185      *
186      * @param claz         the class object for which we would set the properties - it would be used for the obtaining folder with the test
187      *                     data for the concrete class. Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
188      * @param testCase     the test case - defines the folder inside the root folder with the test data for the certain class.
189      *                     Could be null - in this case the properties files would be found at the root test data folder for the certain class.
190      * @param defaultProps default JPatterns properties file name. Could be null - in this case we would find for the
191      *                     {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME}
192      */
193     public static void setJVMDefaultProps(final Class claz, final String testCase, final String defaultProps)
194     {
195         InputArgumentUtils.checkObjects(claz);
196         final String actualDefaultBaseName =
197             ((null == defaultProps) ? JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME : defaultProps) +
198                 JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION;
199         final String fullDefaultName = ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(claz, false, testCase, actualDefaultBaseName, false);
200         System.setProperty(JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM, fullDefaultName);
202         reloadPropertiesManager();
203     }
205     /**
206      * See the method {@link JPatternsTestUtils#setJVMPropsParams(Class,boolean,String,String,String,boolean)}.
207      * The only difference is this method allows to set the default property separately
208      *
209      * @param claz         the class object for which we would set the properties - it would be used for the obtaining folder with the test
210      *                     data for the concrete class. Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
211      * @param testCase     the test case - defines the folder inside the root folder with the test data for the certain class.
212      *                     Could be null - in this case the properties files would be found at the root test data folder for the certain class.
213      * @param defaultProps default JPatterns properties file name. Could be null - in this case we would find for the
214      *                     {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME}
215      */
216     public static void setJVMCustomProps(final Class claz, final String testCase, final String defaultProps)
217     {
218         InputArgumentUtils.checkObjects(claz);
219         final String actualDefaultBaseName =
220             ((null == defaultProps) ? JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME : defaultProps) +
221                 JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION;
222         final String fullDefaultName = ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(claz, false, testCase, actualDefaultBaseName, false);
223         System.setProperty(JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM, fullDefaultName);
225         reloadPropertiesManager();
226     }
228     /**
229      * Reset the JVM params related to the JVM properties.
230      */
231     public static void resetJVMProps()
232     {
233         SystemPropsUtils.clearProps(JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM,
234             JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM);
235         // reload the instances depends on these settings
236         reloadPropertiesManager();
237     }
239     /**
240      * This methods allows us to setup the configuration for the tests using the provided class (usually it is a class of the test you are
241      * working with).
242      * <br/>
243      * Be noticed we do not check if the provided file - class exists - just because user may set the params incorrectly to turn of smth.
244      * But the folder existence would be check
245      * <br/>
246      * The custom values are set to the not existed values
247      *
248      * @param claz                     the class having appropriate folder with test data.
249      *                                 Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
250      * @param considerMethodName       if this is true then we should have the special folder which name is "method_%running method name%",
251      *                                 and only then put there the folder with test case. It could be null
252      * @param testCase                 test case defines the test case folder inside the root test data folder of the class provided.
253      *                                 Could be null.
254      * @param frameworkConfig          framework config defines the name of the xml file would be used for the framework config
255      * @param useCommonFrameworkConfig this parameter defines that the common JPatterns framework configuration file is searched at the
256      *                                 <code>%test data folder%/JPatternsTestUtils.CommonTestCases.COMMON_PROPS</code> folder. This
257      *                                 parameter is necessary to avoid duplicating framework configuration files for all the tests.
258      */
259     public static void setJVMXmlParams(final Class claz, boolean considerMethodName, final String testCase, final String frameworkConfig,
260         final boolean useCommonFrameworkConfig)
261     {
262         InputArgumentUtils.checkObjects(claz);
263         final String actualName = (null == frameworkConfig || frameworkConfig.trim().equals("")) ?
264             JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME : frameworkConfig;
266         if (useCommonFrameworkConfig)
267         {
268             System.setProperty(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM,
269                 ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(claz, false, 
270                     ".." + File.separator + ZmicerTestUtils.CommonTestCases.COMMON_PROPS, actualName, false));
271         }
272         else
273         {
274             System.setProperty(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM,
275                 ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(claz, considerMethodName, testCase, actualName, false));
276         }
277         System.setProperty(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM,
278             ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFileName(claz, considerMethodName, testCase, actualName + "not_existed", false));
280         System.setProperty(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_CONSUMER_CONFIG_DIR_NAME_JVM_PARAM,
281             ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFolderName(claz, considerMethodName, testCase, false));
282         System.setProperty(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_CONSUMER_CONFIG_DIR_NAME_JVM_PARAM,
283             ZmicerTestUtils.getFullTestDataFolderName(claz, considerMethodName, testCase + "not_existed", false));
284     }
286     /**
287      * Reset XML related JVM settings which were set at the method
288      * {@link JPatternsTestUtils#setJVMXmlParams(Class,boolean,String,String,boolean)}
289      */
290     public static void resetJVMXmlParams()
291     {
292         SystemPropsUtils.clearProps(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM,
293             JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM,
294             JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_CONSUMER_CONFIG_DIR_NAME_JVM_PARAM,
295             JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_CONSUMER_CONFIG_DIR_NAME_JVM_PARAM);
296     }
298     /**
299      * Perform resetting all the init stuff - for both props and XML namings
300      */
301     public static void resetAll()
302     {
303         resetJVMProps();
304         resetJVMXmlParams();
305     }
306 }