Package com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.exceptions

Exception Summary
JPConfigException This exception signs that JPatterns configuration is formed incorrectly and it doesn't matter which type caused this: consumer & framework.
JPConsumerConfigException This exception class defines the exception would be occuried when smth wrong with the consumer configuration (framework can not find the specified pattern using the path provided by the user, or e.g. some invalid format of the consumer configuration is found) $Author:: $
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JPFrameworkConfigException This exception class defines the exception would be occuried when smth wrong with the framework configuration (framework can not find the specified pattern using the path provided by the user, or e.g. some invalid format of the consumer configuration is found) $Author:: $
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JPInitializationException This exception appear in the cases smth. wrong with initialization of JPatterns framework took place (invalid value of some properties defined implementation, absence of the XML configuration file with the "factories" for the internal uses etc).

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