Interface IJPatternsConfigBeansBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IJPatternsConfigBeansBuilder

This interface defines the builder facilities for constructing the JPatternsConfigBaseBean from the provided JPatternsConfig object. $Author:: zmicer $
$Rev:: 57 $
* $Date:: 2007-08-23 09:16:37 #$
$Date:: 2007-08-23 09:16:37 #$

Method Summary
 JPatternsConfigBean build(com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.JPatternsConfig config)
          Build the JPatternsConfigBaseBean using the provided JPatternsConfig object.
 JPatternsConfigsBean build(List<JPatternsConfigBaseBean> beans)
          Build as JPatternsConfigsBean using the List of JPatternsConfigBean objects
Please be noticed this method could be used for the prioritized building.

Method Detail


JPatternsConfigBean build(com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.JPatternsConfig config)
Build the JPatternsConfigBaseBean using the provided JPatternsConfig object.
Please review the JavaDocs to get the info about the algorithm the concrete implementation uses.

config - JPatternsConfig castor object. Not normalized castor config object should be passed here\ (CastorUtils.validateAndNormalizeScopesPriorities(com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.JPatternsConfig)). Can not be null (otherwise IllegalArgumentException would appear).
JPatternsConfigBean castor object built using the provided JPatternsConfig castor root object.


JPatternsConfigsBean build(List<JPatternsConfigBaseBean> beans)
Build as JPatternsConfigsBean using the List of JPatternsConfigBean objects
Please be noticed this method could be used for the prioritized building. In this case one of the beans is passed here should have been already prioritized (it should have been created using the CastorUtils.makePrioritized(com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.JPatternsConfig) method)

beans - the List of JPatternsConfigBean objects, Can not be null (otherwise IllegalArgumentException would appear). Should be built using normalized configs.
the built JPatternsConfigsBean, in the case of empty beans just initial version of this bean would returned.

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