Changes Report

Release History

0.912007-09-03First public release

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Release 0.91 - 2007-09-03

First releaseZmicer, Silent
Initial maven built-in siteZmicer, Silent
Sourceforge initially is filled with the project infoZmicer, Silent
Environment automation scripts are done (Ant, Maven)Zmicer, Silent
First draft brand images are createdZmicer, Silent
Initial documentation introducedZmicer, Silent
The basis scope of statistics is introducedZmicer, Silent
Pattern "factory" is fully implemented, "config" is implemented partiallyZmicer, Silent
The plugin based architecture is used hereZmicer, Silent
Castor based grammar is implementedZmicer, Silent
Scopes and Priorities are fully supportedZmicer, Silent
Smth. very important was fixed. Fixes 0000001.Zmicer, Silent