Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
 | JPConfiguratorImplTest | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 3.685 |
 | PropertiesBasedFactoryTest | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.16 |
 | PropertiesManagerImplTest | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.861 |
 | PropertiesProviderTest | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.351 |
 | testJPCunsumerConfigurationException | 0 |
 | testJPConsumerConfigurationException | 0 |
 | testJPFrameworkConfigurationException | 0 |
 | testJPInitializationException | 0 |
 | testCreation | 0.15 |
 | testInitConfiguration | 0.421 |
 | testGetJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationFileName | 0.16 |
 | testGetJPatternsFrameworkCustomConfigurationFileName | 0.13 |
 | testGetJPatternsConsumerConfigurationFiles | 0.29 |
 | testJPConfiguratorImpl | 0.091 |
 | testObtainJPatternsConfig | 0.15 |
 | testDefaultJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationPresents | 0.07 |
 | testCustomJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationPresents | 0.32 |
 | testObtainJPatternsConfigs | 0.972 |
 | testMergeFrameworkConfigurations | 0.53 |
 | testInitFrameworkConfiguration | 0.351 |
 | testSetGetBusinessItems | 0.02 |
 | testSetGetSectionItems | 0 |
 | testCheck | 0 |
 | testSetGetBusinessItem | 0.01 |
 | testSetGetSection | 0.01 |
 | testGetListOfSectionItems | 0 |
 | testSetGetOverridingDepth | 0 |
 | testSetGetOverrideNotDependingOnPriority | 0 |
 | testChoiceOrMergeCastorNameScopePriorityTypes | 0.04 |
 | testFill | 0.971 |
 | testBuild | 0.08 |
 | testBuildConfigsBean | 0.121 |
 | testGetInstance | 0 |
 | testGetPropertiesManager | 0 |
 | testGetJPatternsConfigBeansBuilder | 0.07 |
 | testGetJPatternsConfigBaseBeanBuilder | 0.01 |
 | testGetJPConfigurator | 0.06 |
 | testGetInstance | 0 |
 | testCustomConfigPresents | 0.04 |
 | testDefaultConfigPresents | 0.11 |
 | testInitConfigs | 0.02 |
 | testGetDefaultBundle | 0.05 |
 | testGetBundle | 0.05 |
 | testGetBundleByClass | 0.12 |
 | testGetCustomBundle | 0.03 |
 | testGetBundledObject | 0.12 |
 | testGetMergedKeys | 0.03 |
 | testInitUseOnlyCustomConfigIfPresent | 0.171 |
 | testUseOnlyCustomConfigIfPresent | 0.01 |
 | testCheckIsInitialized | 0.01 |
 | testGetInstance | 0.09 |
 | testCheckIfInitialized | 0.02 |
 | testGetStringProperty | 0.03 |
 | testGetBooleanProperty | 0.031 |
 | testInit | 0.12 |
 | testOverridingDepthValues | 0.03 |
 | testInit | 0.341 |
 | testGetImplementation | 0.26 |
 | testGetImplementationFullName | 0.25 |
 | testGetImplementationByType | 0.201 |
 | testGetImplementations | 0.21 |
 | testGetOperator | 0.19 |
 | testGetOperators | 0.15 |
 | testValidateImplementationsMap | 0.091 |
 | testCastorIdioms | 0 |
 | testGetJPatternsConfig | 0.01 |
 | testExtractCastorSectionTypeObjects | 0 |
 | testValidateAndNormalizeScopesPriorities | 0.01 |
 | testMakePrioritized | 0 |
 | testSetValidatePriority | 0 |
 | testGetPriority | 0 |
 | testExtractCastorNameScopePriorityTypeObjects | 0 |
 | testConstructGroupItem | 0.01 |
 | testToString | 0 |
 | testGetDefaultBundleName | 0.01 |
 | testGetCustomBundleName | 0 |
 | testGetPropertiesManagerImplementation | 0.1 |