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1   package com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration;
3   import;
4   import java.util.Set;
6   /**
7    * This interface defines the methods would be used later for the working with the configuration functionality defined at the properties.
8    * <br/>
9    * The <code>com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesBasedFactory</code> class contains the getter returning the
10   * implementation of the <code>IPropertiesManager</code>. It is the single place where the configuration specifying which implementation
11   * of the interface should be used is configured at the Java Sources. All the configuration settings necessary for implementing the
12   * "factory" pattern is placed at the properties file, and then the JPatterns built-in pattern "factory" and xml configuration is used
13   * later for retrieving the implementations of the interfaces.
14   * <br/>
15   * Please review <code>com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesBasedFactory#getPropertiesManager()</code>
16   * <br/>
17   * Please review properly the following Java Docs - it is important for understanding of the algorithm of working of the JPatterns
18   * configuration functionality.
19   * {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_FRAMEWORK_PROPERTIES}
20   *
21   * todo [zmicer]: not sure if all these methods should take place here (e.g. getDefaultBundle etc)
22   *
23   * $Author:: zmicer             $<br/>
24   * $Rev:: 67                    $<br/> * $Date:: 2007-08-28 21:37:07 #$<br/>
25   * $Date:: 2007-08-28 21:37:07 #$<br/>
26   */
27  public interface IPropertiesManager extends Serializable
28  {
29      /**
30       * @return true if the custom resource bundle is presents at the class path
31       */
32      boolean customConfigPresents();
34      /**
35       * @return true if the default config resource bundle is presents at the class path
36       */
37      boolean defaultConfigPresents();
39      /**
40       * This method returns the value of the props signing if custom properties file totally overrides the default, and if it is present,
41       * then the values from the default properties are not used at all.
42       * <br/>
43       * Please review properly the following Java Docs - it is important for understanding of the algorithm of working of the JPatterns
44       * configuration functionality.
45       * {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_FRAMEWORK_PROPERTIES}
46       *
47       * @return true if the approrpiate property is set to the true, false otherwise.
48       */
49      boolean useOnlyCustomConfigIfPresent();
51      /**
52       * Return the bundle value using the ResourceBundle already retrieved. This method analyzes two bundles - default and custom one,
53       * the priority has custom - it provides the user with the possibility to override the values defined at the default properties,
54       * and it is a good customization point for the framework.
55       * <br/>
56       *
57       * @param key for the value we need. Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
58       *
59       * @return the value for this bundle or just null in the case there is not defined bundles with such name
60       */
61      String getBundle(final String key);
63      /**
64       * Get bundle for the provided key - it is a class. The shorten name is used - Serializable, PropertiesManagerImpl etc. - without packaging
65       *
66       * @param key for the value we need, Class object. Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
67       *
68       * @return the value for this bundle or just null in the case there is not defined bundles with such name
69       */
70      String getBundle(final Class key);
72      /**
73       * Get bundled object by the key provided. We would obtain the full class name using this key, and then try to instantiate the object.
74       * In the case value for the this key is null, or object can not be instantiated the <code>JPConfigException</code>
75       * would appear. 
76       *
77       * @param key the class for which we should obtain appropriate implementation (usually it is class of the interface of abstract class
78       *            implementation of which we would obtain.)
79       * @return the Object which was instantiated (following the Java Docs above we would throw the JPConfigException exception in
80       *              the case the key was not found or the object can not be instantiated.)
81       */
82      Object getBundledObject(final Class key);
84      /**
85       * Get bundled object by the String key provided. We would obtain the full class name using this key, and then try to instantiate
86       * the object. In the case value for the this key is null, or object can not be instantiated the
87       * <code>JPConfigException</code> would appear.
88       *
89       * @param key the class for which we should obtain appropriate implementation (usually it is String - base name of the interface of
90       *            abstract class implementation of which we would obtain.)
91       * @return the Object which was instantiated (following the Java Docs above we would throw the JPConfigException exception in
92       *              the case the key was not found or the object can not be instantiated.)
93       */
94      Object getBundledObject(final String key);
96      /**
97       * Get the value from the default bundle. this was provided in any case - potentially it could be used at the unit tests etc.
98       * <br/>
99       * Please be noticed that we should check if the default configuration presents before the getting the value. The absence of the default
100      * configuration is a failure for the JPatterns framework.
101      *
102      * @param key to be processed. Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
103      *
104      * @return String, the value required
105      */
106     String getDefaultBundle(final String key);
108     /**
109      * Get the value from the custom bundle. this was provided in any case - potentially it could be used at the unit tests etc.
110      * <br/>
111      * Please be noticed that we should check if the custom configuration presents before the getting the value.
112      * The absence of the custom configuration is a normal behavioral of the system.
113      *
114      * @param key to be processed. Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
115      *
116      * @return String, the value required
117      */
118     String getCustomBundle(final String key);
120     /**
121      * @return the Enumeration of the keys (merged one or the custom one or the default one - it depends on the following:
122      *         a. if custom properties files is present or was specified at the JVM parameter b. study the
123      *       <code>com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_FRAMEWORK_PROPERTIES</code>)
124      */
125     Set<String> getMergedKeys();
126 }