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1   package com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.exceptions;
3   /**
4    * This exception class defines the exception would be occuried when smth wrong with the framework configuration (framework can not find the
5    * specified pattern using the path provided by the user, or e.g. some invalid format of the consumer configuration is found)
6    *
7    * $Author::                    $<br/>
8    * $Rev::                       $<br/>
9    * $Date::                      $<br/>
10   */
11  public class JPFrameworkConfigException extends JPConfigException
12  {
13      /**
14       * The default public constructor
15       */
16      public JPFrameworkConfigException()
17      {
18          super();
19      }
21      /**
22       * One of the public constructor
23       *
24       * @param message the message param
25       */
26      public JPFrameworkConfigException(String message)
27      {
28          super(message);
29      }
31      /**
32       * One of the public constructors
33       *
34       * @param message message param
35       * @param cause param
36       */
37      public JPFrameworkConfigException(String message, Throwable cause)
38      {
39          super(message, cause);
40      }
42      /**
43       * One of the forms of the public construtor
44       *
45       * @param cause the throwable param
46       */
47      public JPFrameworkConfigException(Throwable cause)
48      {
49          super(cause);
50      }
51  }