Interface IJPattern

All Superinterfaces:
com.zmicer.utils.model.ICheckable, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IJPConfig, IJPFactory
All Known Implementing Classes:
JPConfigImpl, JPFactoryImpl, PatternBase

public interface IJPattern
extends com.zmicer.utils.model.ICheckable, Serializable

The interface defines the JPatterns pattern - the base of the framework. All the patterns interfaces would extend this one. It is to allow us operating with the base concept entities in some places, also it introduced some common for all the JPatterns method.

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Method Summary
 boolean checkCastorConfig(com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.CastorSectionType castorSectionType)
          Make the check this type of the castor config fits the pattern
 void init(com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.CastorSectionType castorSectionType, JPatternsConfigsBean configBean)
          Perform the initialization of the JPatterns with the appropriate child instance of CastorSectionType castor config class and the JPatternsConfigsBean bean storing all the consumer configuration.
Methods inherited from interface com.zmicer.utils.model.ICheckable

Method Detail


void init(com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.CastorSectionType castorSectionType,
          JPatternsConfigsBean configBean)
          throws JPInitializationException
Perform the initialization of the JPatterns with the appropriate child instance of CastorSectionType castor config class and the JPatternsConfigsBean bean storing all the consumer configuration.

castorSectionType - castor config object of CastorSectionType class. Can not be null (otherwise IllegalArgumentException would appear).
configBean - JPatternsConfigsBean config bean with all the JPatterns consumer configuration. Can not be null (otherwise IllegalArgumentException would appear).
JPInitializationException - in the case the given CastorSectionType is not of the appropriate type


boolean checkCastorConfig(com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.CastorSectionType castorSectionType)
Make the check this type of the castor config fits the pattern

castorSectionType - the castor config object which is the root configuration storage for all the patterns (according to the XSD scheme)
true if this fits to the pattern implementation nature, and false otherwise

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