Interface IJPConfig

All Superinterfaces:
com.zmicer.utils.model.ICheckable, IJPattern, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IJPConfig
extends IJPattern

This interface defines the configuration patterns. It would be used just for the retrieving different not factory specific configuration information. It would have all the facilities factory has - scopes and priorities supports, lots of possible compinations to be configured - just single name<>value configs, maps with the name of the group and lots of keys<>values etc.
todo [zmicer]: please extend the interface with all the possible methods user may need for this. todo [zmicer]: provide example of the configuration for each method.

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Method Summary
 String getValue(String key, String scope)
          Get the value using the key provided.
Methods inherited from interface com.sourceforge.jpatterns.patterns.IJPattern
checkCastorConfig, init
Methods inherited from interface com.zmicer.utils.model.ICheckable

Method Detail


String getValue(String key,
                String scope)
                throws JPConfigException
Get the value using the key provided. It is the simplest form of this config pattern, still if to remember about the scopes and names - it provides lots of usefull facilities.

key - the key using which we should obtain the value Can not be null (otherwise IllegalArgumentException would appear).
scope - the scope to be used Can not be null (otherwise IllegalArgumentException would appear).
the necessary value to be retrieved. Nul won't be retrieved here as the JPConfigException would be thrown
JPConfigException - would be thrown in the case of smth. wrong with the configuration. Please be noticed it could be JPConsumerConfigException and JPFrameworkConfigException

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