View Javadoc

1   package com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration;
3   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants;
4   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.exceptions.JPInitializationException;
5   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.model.IJPatternsConfigBeansBuilder;
6   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.model.JPatternsConfigBaseBean;
7   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.model.JPatternsConfigBean;
8   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.model.JPatternsConfigsBean;
9   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.JPatternsConfig;
10  import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.utils.CastorUtils;
11  import com.zmicer.utils.ClassPathUtils;
12  import com.zmicer.utils.FileUtils;
13  import com.zmicer.utils.InputArgumentUtils;
14  import com.zmicer.utils.ResourceUtils;
15  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
17  import;
18  import;
19  import java.util.ArrayList;
20  import java.util.List;
22  /**
23   * The default implementation of the <code>IJPConfiguration</code> interface.
24   * <br/>
25   * The instance we need to use is configured at the
26   * properties file, so there is a way for the developer to override this implementation by the custom one.
27   * <br/>
28   * Be noticed the consumer custom dir could be rather complicated: use the
29   * <code>System.getProperty(PATH_SEPARATOR_KEY)</code> to specify the complicated pathes. it could be provided using JVM parameter (first
30   * priority) and props key/value (the second priority). Please review the following constants to be involved into it:
31   * {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_CONSUMER_CONFIG_DIR_NAME_JVM_PARAM}
32   * {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_CONSUMER_CONFIG_DIR_NAME_PROPS_PARAM}
33   * <br/>
34   * Please review the following Java Docs to understand the concepts of overriding:
35   * {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_FRAMEWORK_XML}
36   * {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_CONSUMER_XML}
37   * todo: [zmicer] add the possibility to set the values for the custom framework/consumer configuration at the properties file.
38   *
39   * <br/>
40   * note [zmicer]: please review the class members - there are lots of them, they are necessary for the storing the information we may be
41   * intersted in the future - so we would be able easily to extend the interface with another method.
42   * todo [zmicer]: please reconsider the interface <code>IJPConfigurator</code> methods - seems to be some of them are not necessary.
43   *
44   * note [zmicer]: check if it is possible to make the reload of the JPatterns configuration on the flight? It could be really necessary for
45   * the building some web services related functionality (when the configuration is specified and provided by the web service, and we need
46   * to shedule the reloading).
47   *
48   * $Author:: zmicer             $<br/>
49   * $Rev:: 67                    $<br/> * $Date:: 2007-08-28 21:37:07 #$<br/>
50   * $Date:: 2007-08-28 21:37:07 #$<br/>
51   */
52  public class JPConfiguratorImpl implements IJPConfigurator
53  {
54      /**
55       * Logger instance.
56       */
57      final public static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JPConfiguratorImpl.class);
59      /**
60       * The castor based bean stored the configuration of the framework itself (default configuration).
61       */
62      private JPatternsConfigBean m_defaultFrameworkConfig = null;
64      /**
65       * The castor based bean stored the configuration of the framework itself (custom configuration).
66       * <br/>
67       * We are storing both configurations for the following reasons:
68       * 1. potentially methods could be added are able to deal with the both configurations
69       * 2. unit tests for the JPCOnfigurationImpl would use this functionality to check everything properly
70       */
71      private JPatternsConfigBean m_customFrameworkConfig = null;
73      /**
74       * The castor based bean stored the configuration of the framework itself (merged configuration).
75       */
76      private JPatternsConfigsBean m_mergedFrameworkConfig = null;
78      /**
79       * The castor based bean stored the configuration of the consumer settings themself (merged default configuration).
80       * <br/>
81       * One instance of JPatternsConfig - includes all the settings from {@link m_defaultConsumerConfigs}
82       */
83      private JPatternsConfigsBean m_mergedDefaultConsumerConfig = null;
85      /**
86       * The castor based bean stores the configuration of the consumer settings themself (merged custom configuration).
87       * <br/>
88       * One instance of JPatternsConfig - includes all the settings from {@link m_customConsumerConfigs}
89       */
90      private JPatternsConfigsBean m_mergedCustomConsumerConfig = null;
92      /**
93       * Merged consumer config ready to be used.
94       */
95      private JPatternsConfigsBean m_mergedConsumerConfig = null;
97      /**
98       * Stores the List of the String object - names of the consumer configuration XML files names. It was decided to store this in any case
99       * (could be useful for tests and debugging of the framework)
100      */
101     private List<File> m_consumerConfigurationFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
103     /**
104      * Stores the List of the String object - names of the consumer configuration XML files names. It was decided to store this in any case
105      * (could be useful for tests and debugging of the framework)
106      */
107     private List<File> m_consumerConfigurationCustomFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
109     /**
110      * The value of the property useOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent
111      */
112     private static Boolean useOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent = null;
114     /**
115      * The value of the property useOnlyCustomConsumerConfigIfPresent
116      */
117     private static Boolean useOnlyCustomConsumerConfigIfPresent = null;
119     /**
120      * Default public constructor to allow this functionality to be consructed using the factory and IoC.
121      * <br/>
122      * The constructor is public to allow instantiating the JPCOnfigurationImpl using the properties files
123      *
124      * todo [zmicer]: think if this is correct way to initialize the configuration. The init method is not defined at the interface.
125      * Also this class could not be called "strong" singleton implementation, so there are ways to hack it. Please investigate and adjust.
126      */
127     public JPConfiguratorImpl()
128     {
129         super();
130         initConfiguration();
131     }
133     /**
134      * Init xml configuration. Please be noticed it is called at the construction time. So it should initialize all the fields of this class
135      * before starting using other methods.
136      *
137      */
138     protected void initConfiguration()
139     {
140         // init static fields we would use later for determining the behaviour of the JPConfiguratorImpl
141         final IPropertiesManager manager = PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance().getPropertiesManager();
142         final PropertiesProvider propsProvider = PropertiesProvider.getInstance(manager, false);        
143         useOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent =
144             propsProvider.getBooleanProperty(PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_FRAMEWORK_XML);
145         useOnlyCustomConsumerConfigIfPresent =
146             propsProvider.getBooleanProperty(PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_CONSUMER_XML);
148         initFrameworkConfiguration();
149         initConsumerConfiguration();
150     }
152     /**
153      * Init the framework configuration.
154      */
155     protected void initFrameworkConfiguration()
156     {
157         m_defaultFrameworkConfig = obtainJPatternsConfig(getJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationFileName());
158         m_customFrameworkConfig = obtainJPatternsConfig(getJPatternsFrameworkCustomConfigurationFileName());
159         mergeFrameworkConfigurations();
160     }
162     /**
163      * Perform the merging of the framework configurations.
164      * <br/>
165      * the following rules have power here:
166      * 1. in the case custom configuration is not present the default configuration would be used as the merged one.
167      * 2. in the case default configuration is not present - the exception appeared.
168      * 3. in the case both configurations present and the value of the property
169      * <code>com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_FRAMEWORK_XML</code> is true -
170      * the custom configuration is used as the merged one.
171      * 4. in the case the property is not defined - we consider its value is <code>false</code>
172      * <code>com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_FRAMEWORK_XML</code>
173      * 5. in the case both configurations present and the value of the property
174      * <code>com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_FRAMEWORK_XML</code> is
175      * <code>false</code> - configurations are merged using the implementation of the JPatternsConfigBeansBuilder.
176      */
177     protected void mergeFrameworkConfigurations()
178     {
179         final IJPatternsConfigBeansBuilder builder = PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance().getJPatternsConfigBaseBeanBuilder();
180         // 01:
181         if (!defaultJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationPresents())
182         {
183             throw new IllegalStateException("The default framework configuration should be present.");
184         }
185         if (!customJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationPresents())
186         {
187             if (defaultJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationPresents())
188             {
189                 final List<JPatternsConfigBaseBean> beans = new ArrayList<JPatternsConfigBaseBean>();
190                 beans.add(m_defaultFrameworkConfig);
191                 m_mergedFrameworkConfig =;
192                 return;
193             }
194             else
195             {
196                 // 02:
197                 throw new IllegalStateException("The default framework configuration should be present.");
198             }
199         }
200         // 03:
201         if (customJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationPresents() && defaultJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationPresents() &&
202             null != useOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent && useOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent)
203         {
204             final List<JPatternsConfigBaseBean> beans = new ArrayList<JPatternsConfigBaseBean>();
205             beans.add(m_customFrameworkConfig);
206             m_mergedFrameworkConfig =;
207             return;
208         }
209         // 04, 05:
210         if ((null != useOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent && !useOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent) ||
211             null == useOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent)
212         {
213             // need to merge the properties. The custom one would override the default framework configuration.
214             CastorUtils.makePrioritized(m_customFrameworkConfig.getCastorConfig());
215             final List<JPatternsConfigBaseBean> beans = new ArrayList<JPatternsConfigBaseBean>();
216             beans.add(m_customFrameworkConfig);
217             beans.add(m_defaultFrameworkConfig);
218             m_mergedFrameworkConfig =;
219         }
220     }
222     /**
223      * Init (obtain, merge etc.) the consumer based configuration.
224      * <br/>
225      * Be noticed the consumer custom dir could be rather complicated: use the
226      * <code>System.getProperty(PATH_SEPARATOR_KEY)</code> to specify the complicated pathes.
227      * todo [zmicer]: implement the opportunity to set the directory where the default JPatterns consumer configuration to obtain
228      */
229     protected void initConsumerConfiguration()
230     {
231         final IJPatternsConfigBeansBuilder builder = PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance().getJPatternsConfigBaseBeanBuilder();
232         // the todo above placement.
233         // 00: init the consumer default configuration (was found at the classpath)
234         final String defaultConsumerDir = getJPatternsConsumerConfigurationDirName();
235         List<String> classPathesStrings = null;
236         if (null != defaultConsumerDir && defaultConsumerDir.length() != 0)
237         {
238             classPathesStrings = ClassPathUtils.getClassPathes(defaultConsumerDir);
239         }
240         else
241         {
242             classPathesStrings = ClassPathUtils.getClassPathes();
243         }
245         if (null == classPathesStrings || classPathesStrings.isEmpty())
246         {
247             throw new IllegalStateException("The class path is not set correctly.");
248         }
249         m_consumerConfigurationFiles = FileUtils.findFilesByREInClassPath(classPathesStrings, JPConstants.PATTERN);
251         // 01: use the consumer custom configuration
252         final String consumerCustomDir = getJPatternsConsumerCustomConfigurationDirName();
253         if (null == consumerCustomDir)
254         {
255             LOG.debug("The consumer custom configuration is not provided. The appropriate JPatternsConfig object are not initialized.");
256         }
257         else
258         {
259             final List<String> customClassPathesStrings = ClassPathUtils.getClassPathes(consumerCustomDir);
260             if (null == customClassPathesStrings || customClassPathesStrings.isEmpty())
261             {
262                 // custom consumer classpath could be set to the null/empty string etc.
263                 return;
264             }
265             m_consumerConfigurationCustomFiles = FileUtils.findFilesByREInClassPath(customClassPathesStrings, JPConstants.PATTERN);
266         }
268         // 02: set the merged default consumer configuration.
269         if (null != m_consumerConfigurationFiles)
270         {
271             final List<JPatternsConfig> configs = obtainJPatternsConfigs(m_consumerConfigurationFiles);
272             final List<JPatternsConfigBaseBean> defaultConsumerConfigs = new ArrayList<JPatternsConfigBaseBean>();
273             for (JPatternsConfig config : configs)
274             {
275                 defaultConsumerConfigs.add(;
276             }
277             m_mergedDefaultConsumerConfig =;
278         }
280         // 03: set the custom consumer configuration.
281         if (null != m_consumerConfigurationCustomFiles)
282         {
283             final List<JPatternsConfig> customConfigs = obtainJPatternsConfigs(m_consumerConfigurationCustomFiles);
285             final List<JPatternsConfigBaseBean> customConsumerConfigs = new ArrayList<JPatternsConfigBaseBean>();
286             for (JPatternsConfig config : customConfigs)
287             {
288                 customConsumerConfigs.add(;
289             }
290             m_mergedCustomConsumerConfig =;
291         }
293         if (null == m_mergedDefaultConsumerConfig && null == m_mergedCustomConsumerConfig)
294         {
295             throw new JPInitializationException("There is not consumer configuration provided. It is incorrect state for the JPatterns.");
296         }
298         // 04: merge these configurations
299         mergeConsumerConfigurations();
300     }
302     /**
303      * Perform the merging of the consumer configurations.
304      * <br/>
305      * the following rules have power here:
306      * 1. in the case custom configuration is not present the default configuration would be used as the merged one.
307      * 2. in the case default configuration is not present - the exception appeared.
308      * 3. in the case both configurations present and the value of the property
309      * <code>com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_CONSUMER_XML</code> is true -
310      * the custom configuration is used as the merged one.
311      * 4. in the case the property is not defined - we consider its value is <code>false</code>
312      * <code>com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_CONSUMER_XML</code>
313      * 5. in the case both configurations present and the value of the property
314      * <code>com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesProvider.JPProperties.USE_ONLY_CUSTOM_CONSUMER_XML</code> is
315      * <code>false</code> - configurations are merged using the implementation of the JPatternsConfigBeansBuilder.
316      */
317     protected void mergeConsumerConfigurations()
318     {
319         // 01:
320         if (!customJPatternsConsumerConfigurationPresents())
321         {
322             if (defaultJPatternsConsumerConfigurationPresents())
323             {
324                 m_mergedConsumerConfig = m_mergedDefaultConsumerConfig;
325             }
326             else
327             {
328                 // 02:
329                 throw new IllegalStateException("The default consumer configuration should be present.");
330             }
331         }
332         // 03:
333         if (customJPatternsConsumerConfigurationPresents() && defaultJPatternsConsumerConfigurationPresents() &&
334             null != useOnlyCustomConsumerConfigIfPresent && useOnlyCustomConsumerConfigIfPresent)
335         {
336             m_mergedConsumerConfig = m_mergedCustomConsumerConfig;
337         }
338         // 04, 05:
339         if ((null != useOnlyCustomConsumerConfigIfPresent && !useOnlyCustomConsumerConfigIfPresent) ||
340             null == useOnlyCustomConsumerConfigIfPresent)
341         {
342             // need to merge the properties. The custom one would override the default framework configuration.
343             CastorUtils.makePrioritized(m_mergedCustomConsumerConfig);
344             final List<JPatternsConfigBaseBean> beans = new ArrayList<JPatternsConfigBaseBean>();
345             beans.add(m_mergedCustomConsumerConfig);
346             beans.add(m_mergedDefaultConsumerConfig);
347             final IJPatternsConfigBeansBuilder builder = PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance().getJPatternsConfigBaseBeanBuilder();
348             m_mergedConsumerConfig =;
349         }
350     }
352     /**
353      * Obtain the List of {@link JPatternsConfig} objects by the List of the File objects specified.
354      *
355      * @param files the List of the File objects Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
356      * @return the List of JPatternsConfig objects
357      */
358     protected List<JPatternsConfig> obtainJPatternsConfigs(final List<File> files)
359     {
360         if (null == files)
361         {
362             throw new IllegalArgumentException("The List of File objects can not be null.");
363         }
364         final List<JPatternsConfig> result = new ArrayList<JPatternsConfig>();
365         for (final File file : files)
366         {
367             final JPatternsConfig config = CastorUtils.getJPatternsConfig(file);
368             if (null != config)
369             {
370                 result.add(config);
371             }
372         }
373         return result;
374     }
376     /**
377      * Obtain the <code>JPatternsConfig</code> using the provided file name (it could be: 1. just file name without passes,
378      * 2. the full file name 3. relative name)
379      * <br/>
380      * The following order for obtaining this {@link com.sourceforge.jpatterns.schema.JPatternsConfig} class is used:
381      * <ul>
382      * <li>Using the classloaders</li>
383      * <li>Trying to open the file with the provided name using <code>File</code></li>
384      * </ul>
385      *
386      * @param name the name of the file to be obtain. Can not be null (otherwise <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> would appear).
387      * @return the castor <code>JPatternsConfig</code> woth the settings we need for the further working.
388      */
389     protected JPatternsConfigBean obtainJPatternsConfig(final String name)
390     {
391         InputArgumentUtils.checkStrings(true, name);
392         JPatternsConfig result = null;
393         final IJPatternsConfigBeansBuilder builder = PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance().getJPatternsConfigBaseBeanBuilder();
394         //00 classloaders
395         final URL url = ResourceUtils.getResource(name);
396         if (url != null)
397         {
398             final File file = new File(url.getFile());
399             result = CastorUtils.getJPatternsConfig(file);
400             if (null != result)
401             {
402                 LOG.debug("The JPatterns configuration was obtained using the classloaders (ResourceUtils.getResource) for the name " +
403                     name);
404                 if (null == builder)
405                 {
406                     throw new IllegalStateException("The IJPatternsConfigBeansBuilder instance can not be null.");
407                 }
408                 return;
409             }
410         }
411         // 01 just thinking it is the full file name
412         final File file = new File(name);
413         if (file.isFile())
414         {
415             // the case when e.g. JVM param was set to the full/relative path to override the default one
416             result = CastorUtils.getJPatternsConfig(file);
417             if (null != result)
418             {
419                 LOG.debug("The JPatterns configuration was obtained using the File for the name " +
420                     name);
421                 return;
422             }
423         }
424         return null;
425     }
427     /**
428      * @see IJPConfigurator#getJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationFileName()
429      *      <br/>
430      *      The way this name is obtained:
431      *      1. In the case JVM parameter is specified - it is returns. Please be noticed the JVM parameter could specify both file name and
432      *      full pathed file name
433      * todo [zmicer]: check if this item is fully supported here.
434      *      2. Then the properties based value is checked.
435      *      <code>JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_PROPS_PARAM<code>
436      *      3. Then the default name {@link JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME} is returned.
437      */
438     public String getJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationFileName()
439     {
440         final String jvmDefault = System.getProperty(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM);
441         if (null != jvmDefault && !"".equals(jvmDefault.trim()))
442         {
443             LOG.debug("Please be noticed the JVM param based value for the default XML is used. This value is : " + jvmDefault);
444             return jvmDefault;
445         }
446         final IPropertiesManager propsManager = PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance().getPropertiesManager();
447         if (null == propsManager)
448         {
449             throw new IllegalStateException("Smth. wrong with the core initialization. Properties manager can not be null.");
450         }
451         final String propsValue =
452             propsManager.getBundle(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_PROPS_PARAM);
453         if (null != propsValue && !"".equals(propsValue.trim()))
454         {
455             LOG.debug("The properties defined value is used for the JPatterns framework default configuration.");
456             return propsValue;
457         }
458         LOG.debug("The default not JVM based value is used : " +
459             JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
460         return JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME;
461     }
463     /**
464      * @see IJPConfigurator#getJPatternsFrameworkCustomConfigurationFileName()
465      * <br/>
466      * Take an attention at this above method: getJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationFileName
467      */
468     public String getJPatternsFrameworkCustomConfigurationFileName()
469     {
470         final String jvmDefault = System.getProperty(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM);
471         if (null != jvmDefault && !"".equals(jvmDefault.trim()))
472         {
473             LOG.debug("Please be noticed the JVM param based value for the default custom XML is used. This value is : " + jvmDefault);
474             return jvmDefault;
475         }
476         final IPropertiesManager propsManager = PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance().getPropertiesManager();
477         if (null == propsManager)
478         {
479             throw new IllegalStateException("Smth. wrong with the core initialization. Properties manager can not be null.");
480         }
481         final String propsValue =
482             propsManager.getBundle(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME_PROPS_PARAM);
483         if (null != propsValue && !"".equals(propsValue.trim()))
484         {
485             LOG.debug("The properties defined value is used for the JPatterns framework custom configuration.");
486             return propsValue;
487         }
488         LOG.debug("The default custom not JVM based value is used : " +
489             JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
490         return JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME;
491     }
493     /**
494      * @see com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.IJPConfigurator#getJPatternsConsumerConfigurationFiles()
495      */
496     public List<File> getJPatternsConsumerConfigurationFiles()
497     {
498         return m_consumerConfigurationFiles;
499     }
501     /**
502      * @see com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.IJPConfigurator#getJPatternsConsumerCustomConfigurationFiles()
503      */
504     public List<File> getJPatternsConsumerCustomConfigurationFiles()
505     {
506         return m_consumerConfigurationCustomFiles;
507     }
509     /**
510      * The first priority takes the JVM parameter, then - the properties file value.
511      * <br/>
512      * Please be noticed this string could be either dir or the list of dirs or the list of dirs and xml files. Please review the
513      * <code>com.zmicer.utils.ClassPathUtils#getClassPathes()</code> for it. Also
514      * <code>com.zmicer.utils.FileUtils#findFilesByREInClassPath(java.util.List<java.lang.String>, java.util.regex.Pattern)</code>
515      * could help in providing the info.
516      *
517      * @return the String value pointing to the dir where the consumer specific custom configuration (not the xml pointed at the
518      * classpath) are present.
519      */
520     public String getJPatternsConsumerCustomConfigurationDirName()
521     {
522         final String jvmDefautlt = System.getProperty(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_CONSUMER_CONFIG_DIR_NAME_JVM_PARAM);
523         if (null != jvmDefautlt && !"".equals(jvmDefautlt.trim()))
524         {
525             LOG.debug("Please be noticed the JVM param based value for the custom consumer XML is used. This value is : " + jvmDefautlt);
526             return jvmDefautlt;
527         }
528         final IPropertiesManager propsManager = PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance().getPropertiesManager();
529         if (null == propsManager)
530         {
531             throw new IllegalStateException("Smth. wrong with the core initialization. Properties manager can not be null.");
532         }
533         final String propsValue =
534             propsManager.getBundle(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_XML_CONSUMER_CONFIG_DIR_NAME_PROPS_PARAM);
535         if (null != propsValue && !"".equals(propsValue.trim()))
536         {
537             LOG.debug("The properties defined value is used for the consumer custom configuration.");
538             return propsValue;
539         }
540         LOG.debug("The consumer custom configuration is not provided.");
541         return null;
542     }
544     /**
545      * The first priority takes the JVM parameter, then - the properties file value.
546      * <br/>
547      * Please be noticed this string could be either dir or the list of dirs or the list of dirs and xml files. Please review the
548      * <code>com.zmicer.utils.ClassPathUtils#getClassPathes()</code> for it. Also
549      * <code>com.zmicer.utils.FileUtils#findFilesByREInClassPath(java.util.List<java.lang.String>, java.util.regex.Pattern)</code>
550      * could help in providing the info.
551      *
552      * @return the String value pointing to the dir where the consumer specific custom configuration (not the xml pointed at the
553      * classpath) are present.
554      */
555     public String getJPatternsConsumerConfigurationDirName()
556     {
557         final String jvmDefautlt = System.getProperty(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_CONSUMER_CONFIG_DIR_NAME_JVM_PARAM);
558         if (null != jvmDefautlt && !"".equals(jvmDefautlt.trim()))
559         {
560             LOG.debug("Please be noticed the JVM param based value for the default consumer XML is used. This value is : " + jvmDefautlt);
561             return jvmDefautlt;
562         }
563         final IPropertiesManager propsManager = PropertiesBasedFactory.getInstance().getPropertiesManager();
564         if (null == propsManager)
565         {
566             throw new IllegalStateException("Smth. wrong with the core initialization. Properties manager can not be null.");
567         }
568         final String propsValue =
569             propsManager.getBundle(JPConstants.XMLConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_XML_CONSUMER_CONFIG_DIR_NAME_PROPS_PARAM);
570         if (null != propsValue && !"".equals(propsValue.trim()))
571         {
572             LOG.debug("The properties defined value is used for the consumer custom configuration.");
573             return propsValue;
574         }
575         LOG.debug("The consumer custom configuration is not provided.");
576         return null;
577     }
579     /**
580      * @see IJPConfigurator#defaultJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationPresents()
581      */
582     public boolean defaultJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationPresents()
583     {
584         return (m_defaultFrameworkConfig != null);
585     }
587     /**
588      * @see IJPConfigurator#customJPatternsConsumerConfigurationPresents()
589      */
590     public boolean customJPatternsFrameworkConfigurationPresents()
591     {
592         return (m_customFrameworkConfig != null);
593     }
595     /**
596      * @see IJPConfigurator#defaultJPatternsConsumerConfigurationPresents()
597      */
598     public boolean defaultJPatternsConsumerConfigurationPresents()
599     {
600         return (m_mergedDefaultConsumerConfig != null && null != m_mergedDefaultConsumerConfig.getListOfSectionItems() &&
601             !m_mergedDefaultConsumerConfig.getListOfSectionItems().isEmpty());
602     }
604     /**
605      * @see IJPConfigurator#customJPatternsConsumerConfigurationPresents()
606      */
607     public boolean customJPatternsConsumerConfigurationPresents()
608     {
609         return (m_mergedCustomConsumerConfig != null && null != m_mergedCustomConsumerConfig.getListOfSectionItems() &&
610             !m_mergedCustomConsumerConfig.getListOfSectionItems().isEmpty());
611     }
613     /**
614      * @see com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.IJPConfigurator#getJPatternsFrameworkConfiguration()
615      */
616     public JPatternsConfigsBean getJPatternsFrameworkConfiguration()
617     {
618         return m_mergedFrameworkConfig;
619     }
621     /**
622      * @see com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.IJPConfigurator#getJPatternsConsumerConfiguration()
623      */
624     public JPatternsConfigsBean getJPatternsConsumerConfiguration()
625     {
626         return m_mergedConsumerConfig;
627     }
629     /**
630      * Set the value for the property useOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent
631      *
632      * @param value the value to be set to this property. Could be null - it means that the property is not defined at all.
633      */
634     protected static void setUseOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent(final Boolean value)
635     {
636         useOnlyCustomFrameworkConfigIfPresent = value;
637     }
638 }