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1   package com.sourceforge.jpatterns.utils;
3   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.JPConstants;
4   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.IPropertiesManager;
5   import com.sourceforge.jpatterns.core.configuration.PropertiesManagerImpl;
6   import com.zmicer.utils.LoggingUtils;
7   import com.zmicer.utils.ReflexionUtils;
8   import com.zmicer.utils.ResourceUtils;
9   import com.zmicer.utils.ZmicerUtilsConstants;
10  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
11  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
13  import java.util.ResourceBundle;
15  /**
16   * This class the common JPatterns based methods for working with property files.
17   *
18   * $Author:: zmicer             $<br/>
19   * $Rev:: 67                    $<br/> * $Date:: 2007-08-28 21:37:07 #$<br/>
20   * @forversion 1.0.1
21   */
22  public class JPatternsPropsUtils
23  {
24      /**
25       * Logger instance.
26       */
27      final public static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ZmicerUtilsConstants.LoggingCategory.PROPERTIES_RELATED.toString());
29      /**
30       * The default bundle to be used.
31       */
32      public static ResourceBundle defaultBundle;
34      /**
35       * The custom bundle to be used.
36       */
37      public static ResourceBundle customBundle;
39      /**
40       * @return the name of the resource bundle file should be used for the default JPatterns properties configuration.
41       * $Rev:: 67                    $<br/> * $Date:: 2007-08-28 21:37:07 #$<br/>
42       */
43      public static String getDefaultBundleName()
44      {
45          final String jvmDefautlt = System.getProperty(JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM);
46          if (null != jvmDefautlt && !"".equals(jvmDefautlt.trim()))
47          {
48              LoggingUtils.debug(LOG, JPatternsPropsUtils.class, "Please be noticed the JVM provided value for the default props is used [" +
49                  jvmDefautlt + "]");
50              return jvmDefautlt;
51          }
52          LoggingUtils.debug(LOG, JPatternsPropsUtils.class, "The default (not JVM based) value is used [" +
53              JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME + "]");
54          return JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME;
55      }
57      /**
58       * @return the name of the resource bundle file should be used for the custom JPatterns properties configuration.
59       * $Rev:: 67                    $<br/> * $Date:: 2007-08-28 21:37:07 #$<br/>
60       */
61      public static String getCustomBundleName()
62      {
63          final String jvmCustom = System.getProperty(JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_JVM_PARAM);
64          if (null != jvmCustom && !"".equals(jvmCustom.trim()))
65          {
66              LoggingUtils.debug(LOG, JPatternsPropsUtils.class, "Please be noticed the JVM param value is used for custom props [" +
67                  jvmCustom + "]");
68              return jvmCustom;
69          }
70          LoggingUtils.debug(LOG, JPatternsPropsUtils.class, "The default (not JVM based value is used for custom props file name [" +
71              JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME + "]");
72          return JPConstants.PropertiesConfigFilesConstants.CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_BASE_NAME;
73      }
75      /**
76       * Return the implementation of the IPropertiesManager. For this we would obtain default/custom bundles. Pleaes be noticed they would
77       * be stored to {@link m_defaultBundle} and {@link m_customBundle} to be able to use them later by the implementation of the
78       * PropertiesManagerImpl without additional retrieving of the bundles.
79       *
80       * @return the implementation of the IPropertiesManager using the default/custom properties files. First of all the custom would be
81       *         checked, then the default one, and then if the implementation is not specified - default implementation would be obtained
82       *         (<code>PropertiesManagerImpl class</code>)
83       * $Rev:: 67                    $<br/> * $Date:: 2007-08-28 21:37:07 #$<br/>
84       */
85      public static IPropertiesManager getPropertiesManagerImplementation()
86      {
87          final String defaultProps = JPatternsPropsUtils.getDefaultBundleName();
88          final String customProps = JPatternsPropsUtils.getCustomBundleName();
89          if (null == defaultProps)
90          {
91              throw new IllegalStateException("The name of default configuration can not be null.");
92          }
93          defaultBundle = ResourceUtils.getResourceBundle(defaultProps);
94          customBundle = ResourceUtils.getResourceBundle(customProps);
95          String className = null;
96          if (null != customBundle)
97          {
98              try
99              {
100                 className = customBundle.getString(ReflexionUtils.getBaseName(IPropertiesManager.class));
101             }
102             catch (Exception ex)
103             {
104                 // just nothing
105             }
106             if (null != className)
107             {
108                 LoggingUtils.debug(LOG, JPatternsPropsUtils.class, "The implementation of IPropertiesManager was found at the custom " +
109                     "properties file [" + customProps + "], implementation is [" + className + "]");
110             }
111         }
112         if (StringUtils.isBlank(className) && null != defaultBundle)
113         {
114             try
115             {
116                 className = defaultBundle.getString(ReflexionUtils.getBaseName(IPropertiesManager.class));
117             }
118             catch (Exception ex)
119             {
120                 // just nothing
121             }
122             if (null != className)
123             {
124                 LoggingUtils.debug(LOG, JPatternsPropsUtils.class, "The implementation of IPropertiesManager was found at the default " +
125                     "properties file [" + defaultProps + "]," + "implementation is [" + className + "]");
126             }
127         }
128         if (StringUtils.isBlank(className))
129         {
130             LoggingUtils.debug(LOG, JPatternsPropsUtils.class, "The default PropertiesManagerImpl implementation of the " +
131                 "IPropertiesManager is used [" + ReflexionUtils.getBaseName(PropertiesManagerImpl.class) + "]");
132             return new PropertiesManagerImpl();
133         }
134         else
135         {
136             final Object object = ReflexionUtils.reflectObject(className, true);
137             if (null == object || !(object instanceof IPropertiesManager))
138             {
139                 LoggingUtils.debug(LOG, JPatternsPropsUtils.class, "Can not instantiate the implementation of the IPropertiesManager " +
140                     "using class name [" + className + "]. The returned object type [" +
141                     ((null != object) ? object.getClass().getName() : "null was returned") + "]");
142                 return null;
143             }
144             else
145             {
146                 return (IPropertiesManager) object;
147             }
148         }
149     }
152     public static ResourceBundle getDefaultBundle()
153     {
154         return defaultBundle;
155     }
157     public static void setDefaultBundle(ResourceBundle defaultBundle)
158     {
159         JPatternsPropsUtils.defaultBundle = defaultBundle;
160     }
162     public static ResourceBundle getCustomBundle()
163     {
164         return customBundle;
165     }
167     public static void setCustomBundle(ResourceBundle customBundle)
168     {
169         JPatternsPropsUtils.customBundle = customBundle;
170     }
171 }